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Customer Forms

All forms below are e-sign enabled. Clicking the hyperlink will open the form in your browser. Please fill in the information required and e-sign. The forms are digitally delivered to IRUA. Forms can be completed from a smartphone or a computer. 

After confirming your signature, you will receive an email from Adobe asking you to verify the email you provided during the signing process. You must complete the email verification to submit your forms. 

Transfer of Service - Renters

For tenants of rental properties that have water/wastewater provided by IRUA:

Please fill out the service questionnaire found HERE.

Fill out and submit the form through the link above. Contact our billing office for assistance.  

Landlord/Tenant Billing Agreement - Required for all accounts with a tenant

Landlords must fill out and sign this form with each transfer of service, including property ownership transfers. This form is required for all services addresses with a tenant/renter where the tenant/renter is listed on the bill and/or responsible for payment directly to IRUA.

Please fill out the agreement found HERE.

Fill out and submit the form through the link above. Contact our billing office for assistance.  

Apply For Service - For properties without existing IRUA water line connections

Prospective customer-members interested in installing a new IRUA connection on their property, where one does not currently exist, please contact our office to consult with our New Services department. This allows accurate quoting/pricing of connection fees, meter pit spotting, and scheduling of construction date(s). 

Apply For Service - For properties with existing IRUA water line connections

Please Note: This version of the forms is prefilled with some standard information. If your terms vary from the information on this form, please contact us directly for the correct forms to be delivered to you directly. 

Apply for service by completing all service forms HERE.

Fill out and submit the form from through the link above. Contact our billing office for assistance.  

Membership Agreement

IRUA requires each property owner that is provided rural water by the association to become a member of the association. This form outlines the membership agreement, fees, and guidelines set forth by the association and is anticipated to be filled out and returned by each property owner in a timely manner upon acquisition of the aforementioned property. 
Page 1 of the form is the standard agreement for water users and requires a signature from the property owner (and joint owner if applicable) and is required for all users. Page 2 is the standard agreement for users that also use the sanitary sewer system and is only required if the property is using sewer. If you are unsure if page 2 applies to you, please contact our office at 641-792-7011.

Complete the agreement HERE.

Fill out and submit the form through the link above. Contact our billing office for assistance.  

Service Questionnaire

IRUA requires each property owner that is provided water from the association to fill out the service questionnaire. This form provides contact information, important service information, and possible tenant information. This form is where you may list tenant information if this is a rental property. The form requires a signature from the property owner (and joint owner if applicable) and is required for all users. If you have questions about the form, please contact our office at 641-792-7011.


Complete the questionnaire HERE.

Fill out and submit the form through the link above. Contact our billing office for assistance.  

USDA Data Collection Form

Due to our involvement with the USDA's rural development program, we are required to collect some additional information. We ask that each account holder fill out and return this form with their paperwork. This information is anonymous and immediately stored in a raw data pool. The information is represented by percentages and collected by auditors upon request. The form requires a signature to complete it. You may enter 'anonymous' as the signature and it will be accepted. 

The form is available HERE.

Fill out and submit the form through the link above. Contact our billing office for assistance.  

ACH Enrollment Form

IRUA offers a no fees autopay option for our members with a checking account linked to their rural water account. Please fill out the form below to start the process and then submit a voided check from the account, or an official letter from the bank with your account information listed. This can be done via mail or e-mail. To submit your check image by e-mail, use the address: 

Please note:
- ACH is scheduled for the 10th of the month or the first business day after the 10th.
- ACH enrollment will begin on the next soonest billing date that you have chosen. If there is an outstanding balance on your account at the time of enrollment, it will not be pulled until the next calendar month's billing cycle, and may accrue late fees. The entire balance due will pull on the next scheduled withdrawal date. Manual payments can be made at anytime. If the balance due is zero at the start of each bill cycle day, no withdrawal will occur. 

ACH enrollment forms must be submitted by the 5th of the month for payment to be pulled on the 10th of that same month. Forms submitted after the 5th of the month will be effective for the following month's billing. If you submit the form on the 6th or later, manual payment must be made for the bill due on the 10th of that same month. 

The form is available HERE.

Fill out and submit the form through the link above. Contact our billing office for assistance.